Bulletin 175 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 175 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 8/12/2018 – 8:10 PM


  1. In a note released this Sunday, August 12th, PT demanded that the National Justice Council and the Senate take a stand on the illegal acts made by agents of the State against ex-President Lula. The General Director of the Federal Police, Rogério Gallor, said in an interview with the Estado de São Paulo newspaper that he was pressured by Sergio Moro, given a warning by General Federal Prosecutor of the Republic Rachel Dodge and a verbal order by 4th Region Federal Court Judge Thompson Flores to disobey the court ruling to release Lula on Sunday, July 8th. Read the note here:  http://www.pt.org.br/nota-do-pt-agentes-de-estado-confessam-abuso-de-poder-contra-lula/


  1. This Sunday, August 12th, which is Father’s Day in Brazil, saw a “good morning” shout to ex-President Lula that was both festive and musical. The activists who are resisting, with great fighting spirit at the #LulaLivre Vigil innovated and yelled “Good morning father Lula,” in thanks to all of the things the ex-President did for Brazilians, especially those most in need, during his 8 years of government. Cultural activists João Mello led the “good morning” shout and added, “Lula we love you”. Fabiano the PT trumpeter also participated in the activity by playing the traditional song that goes, “Olé, olé, olé, olá, Lula lá, Lula lá.” Watch a video of it here:



  1. The “good afternoon Lula” shout continued in a climate of commemoration for Father’s Day with lots of music and gratitude for the social inclusion policies which lifted millions of Brazilians out of extreme poverty during the PT governments. The activists Aguiar and Genival, from Pará, created a banner which is being made by the artist Elson Lima. The art depicts Lula on the day his Habeas Corpus was issued on July 8th, in which the justice system proved once again that it is partisan and disobeyed a court order. See more here:  https://www.facebook.com/vigilialulalivre/photos/pcb.270179590376773/270175443710521/?type=3&theater


  1. Congressman Marco Maia (PT-Rio Grande do Sul) participated in the “good night Lula” shout and invited all Brazilians to go to Brasilia on August 15th, to joint the National Free Lula march and accompany the act of registering Lula’s candidacy for President at the Supreme Electoral Court. “The will of the Brazilian people is for Lula to undo the damage that the Coup government inflicted on the working class and to lift the Nation out of this post-coup chaos,” he said. Maia also asked for the activists to keep up the fight.


  1. The thirteenth day of the extreme protest in Brasilia was highlighted by an inter-religious act, with the presence of the six activists who are holding a hunger strike, in front of the residence of Supreme Court Minister Edson Fachin, to ask for justice for Lula and the poor. “We came here to draw attention to this. They can’t fall asleep while there is injustice in Brazil. They need to know that the people will not rest until Lula is freed,” said MST leader João Pedro Stedile. Read more here:



  1. Belo Horizonte, the city where the first Lulaço musical protest took place, decided to innovate again. This Sunday morning, August 12th, in the Hippie market which takes place in the city’s downtown, a crowd sang the chorus from the song “Anunciação” by Alceu Valença, to announce the return of Lula to the Presidency of the Republic. “You are coming, you are coming, I can hear the signs”, they sang. Watch the video here:



  1. Today, on August 12, International Youth Day is commemorated. It is an opportunity to remember that Lula wants to return to the presidency and put a series of ideas in practice so that youth can have perspectives for a future again, an example of which was made during the 12 years of PT government. Read more here:  https://lula.com.br/no-terceiro-mandato-de-lula-juventude-voltara-a-ser-protagonista/


Bulletin 175 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 8/12/2018 – 8:10 PM


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