Bulletin 149 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 7/17/2018 – 8 PM

1. Judge Sergio Moro was denounced today in the Federal Public Prosecutors Office in Porto Alegre, for practicing the crime of malfeasance  during the episode involving ex-President Lula’s habeas corpus. In a document signed by approximately 250 lawyers, a request was filed for a criminal investigation into the conduct of the judge from the 13th Federal Court of Curitiba. Read more: https://ptnacamara.org.br//2018/07/17/advogados-encaminham-ao-mpf-pedido-de-investigacao-de-moro-por-prevaricacao-no-caso-do-hc-de-lula/

2. Five senators who are part of the Senatorial Constitution and Justice Commission inspected the facilities in which ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is being held as a political prisoner in the Curitiba Federal Police headquarters today. Lula reiterated his indignation for being arbitrarily imprisoned and told them that he didn’t want any concessions except for a fair judgment that respects his history and the Brazilian people, according to Senator Jorge Vianna (PT-Acre). Read more: http://www.pt.org.br/nao-quero-concessao-quero-apenas-justica-diz-lula/

3. Federal Congressman Paulão (PT-Alagoas) participated in the “good morning” yell to president Lula today, July 17th, on Olga Benário square in Curitiba. He spoke of the affection that the people from the Northeast have for Lula and said that recent electoral polls in the region show Lula leading the presidential race there, with 89% of voter preference in some places. “If the election were held today, Lula would win by a large margin in the first round, this is why the elites are trying to do everything to keep him imprisoned,” said the Congressman.

4. In New York, members of the Defend Democracy in Brazil Movement met on Monday, July 16th, with the rapper Flávio Renegado (from Belo Horizonte) and the activist and academic Alessandra Pio (from Rio de Janeiro) to protest against Lula’s arbitrary imprisonment and denounce the impunity of Marielle Franco’s killers. They demanded freedom for Lula and the end of “tendentious acts of the judiciary” to keep him out of the 2018 elections in Brazil. They inaugurated a mural by the Australian artist Mike Makatron in Brooklyn, in homage to Lula and City Councilwoman Marielle Franco, who was assassinated in March. Read more:  https://www.facebook.com/defenddemocracyinbrazil/posts/2076070979078478

5. The Presidents of Cuba, Venezuela, El Salvador and Bolivia, meeting at the 24th Meeting of the Forum of São Paulo, with more than 600 delegates from around Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, emphatically defended freedom for Lula and categorized his imprisonment as political today, on July 17th. They all showed unrestricted solidarity to the Brazilian ex-President, who is imprisoned in Curitiba, and were applauded by the audience with shouts of “Free Lula!”. The encounter ended on this Tuesday. Brazilian delegates from the PT, PC do B, PSOL and PDT participated in the event. Created in 1990, the Forum of São Paulo was conceived as a space for debates and definition of strategies for the Latin American left.

6. A final deal was made on the permanence of activists in defense of Lula on Olga Benário square. The deal was achieved on Monday, July 16th, in a conciliatory meeting with the Justice Court, in the presence of representatives from the State Public Security Secretariat, The Brazilian Order of Lawyers (OAB), the Paraná State Public Defendants’ Office, the Mayor of Curitiba, residents from Santa Cândida neighborhood and the coordinators of the Lula Livre Vigil. Read more here:  http://www.pt.org.br/nota-da-vigilia-lula-livre-sobre-acordo-juridico/

7. The Workers Party launched a new section on its website today with testimonies from the resistance activists who have been at the #LulaLivre Vigil since April 7th, when the ex-President was incarcerated in Curitiba as a political prisoner. They tell their stories and show why they defend Lula and why they believe he is the best option for a Brazil that has a way to become happy again. Read more:  http://www.pt.org.br/100-dias-de-injustica-povo-brasileiro-pede-lula-livre-ja/

8. The “good afternoon” shout to the ex-President in the 102nd day of resistance to his political imprisonment happened for the first time in the Vigil’s new space, a rented lot in front of the Federal Police headquarters. The activity was led by José Eudes Pinho, from the ABC Metallurgical Workers Union. There was also a theatrical presentation at the Vigil today, with Luz Medeiros, from the Cia Mirabólica group.

Bulletin 149 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba – 7/17/2018 – 8 PM


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