Bulletin 120 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Bulletin 120 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 6/18/2018

1. Ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva debuted as a 2018 World Cup commentator today, June 18th, on the Papo com Zé Trajano, program on TVT and Rádio Brasil Atual. He comments about the Brazilian Seleção, the German team and about Cristiano Ronaldo’s playing. “The Brazilian Seleção’s first game demonstrated a maxim from football that we always repeat: practice is practice and a game is a game. A game in the playoffs is one thing and a game in the World Cup is another,” he said. Read more at: http://www.redebrasilatual.com.br/politica/2018/06/comentario-de-lula-sobre-o-jogo-do-brasil

2. As the day came to a close, after meeting with ex-President Lula in the Federal Police headquarters in Curitiba, the Priest Sérgio Gorgen, from the Fransiscan Order, met with the activists who are participating in the resistance in the Vigil, on Olga Benário square. The Priest said that Lula is doing well, in high spirits and calm. The main message from Lula, according to the Priest, is that he will leave prison to unite the Brazilian people and recuperate Brazil, rebuilding income and job generation as well as strengthening national industry and defending the Nation’s petroleum as the wealth of all Brazilians.

3. As the temperature warmed up to 10ºC the “Good Morning” yell to ex-President Lula on this Monday was as animated as ever. The activity was strengthened by the arrival of bus caravans from Santa Catarina and Minas Gerais that had just arrived at the #LulaLivre Vigil. In keeping with the religious atmosphere after the visit from Father Sergio Gorgen, the “Good Night” yell to ex-President Lula was led by Father Osvaldo José dos Santos, from the São Jose Parish in Santo Antonio da Platina, Paraná.

4. The Vigil was also visited on this Monday by Adalberto Barros, a PT activist from Brasilia. He came to pick up a banner with the words #LulaLivre on it to bring to Russia, where he will watch the World Cup. Adalberto promised to open the banner in the stands during the game for 3rdplace in the competition, to show the world how unjust and arbitrary Lula’s political imprisonment is, which began over 70 days ago.

Bulletin 120 – People’s Committee in Defense of Lula and Democracy

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil – 6/18/2018

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